Aerre Italia 2023 new collections - Feria Hábitat Valencia

Aerre Italia 2023 new collections

SHADE (main pict)

The latest jewel in the Aerre Italia 2023 collection; a unique sofa born from the desire to break free from the angular lines typical of modern sofas. Shade evokes a nuance; radiant, sinuous and enveloping shapes that give life to the armrests and backrest in a magic of comfort donated by a height-adjustable headrest.

A product that is balanced in its proportions, a true “enjambement” where technique and functionality do not remain ends in themselves but deluge in aesthetic harmony for an experience of absolute comfort…

The visual lightness given by the high foot and fluid forms are dressed in technical, three-dimensional and sophisticated materials. An ideal choice for those seeking a solution that combines design, flexibility and practicality.


The prophecy of LazyDesign made in Aerre Italia about ultimate comfort is realized in this sinuous and cozy sofa, extremely soft and protective. The SIBILLA seating collection consists of linear elements, end pieces, armchairs and ottomans.

The extreme visual naturalness, ergonomically designed to arrive at a delicate dialogue between structure and form, makes the soft geometry extremely linear thanks also to a contrasting thread that improvises “trait d’union” between the various modules.

L0padding of the different elements is made of polyurethane with different resilience, to accommodate and support the body in the most correct way.


Shapes, functions and colors. Libra, star of the Joyfull collection, can adapt to any kind of space in a constant temptation to stop and enjoy its persuasive comfort. Multiple armrests, aesthetic foot customization and two seat depths for unparalleled comfort.