Ped(RE)t: Our commitment to conscious improvement in the lighting industry.
At Pedret Lighting, we have embarked on an exciting project of reflection and enhancement, recognizing the importance of addressing areas that can be improved. We deeply value artisanal techniques and responsible production.
Therefore, in the Ped(RE)t project, we focus on combining traditional manufacturing techniques with modern innovations to create lamps that captivate both visually and functionally. Our main goal is to find conscious and sustainable solutions that make a difference.
At the core of our project lies our extensive experience in workshops, where we have implemented ancient artisanal restoration techniques, opting for the use of natural waxes and oils to protect the metal. This minimizes the use of harmful chemicals and reduces our environmental footprint. Additionally, we prioritize the repairability of our models and avoid integrated electronics, opting for replaceable bulbs that prolong the lifespan of our lamps.
As part of our commitment to sustainability, we have implemented specific practices to minimize material waste and maximize the use of available resources. We also give new life to existing molds instead of producing new ones.
These decisions enable us to reduce carbon emissions, preserve natural resources, and minimize waste, all without compromising the quality and distinctive style of our creations.
At Ped(RE)t, we believe in the power of timeless design that transcends trends and endures over time.
Through collaborations with renowned designers and drawing from our extensive manufacturing experience, we create captivating and versatile lamps that adapt to a wide variety of styles and environments.
We take pride in blending the passion for craftsmanship, tradition, and a unique style in each of our creations.