Innovative mattress by Ennenne

The constant search for increasingly alternative, ecological and eco-sustainable materials leads us to the generation and construction of increasingly higher mattresses for daily comfort. With our skills, with our experience, with the help of ecological materials we have arrived at the design of an Eco-sustainable mattress, with a comfort never had until today. This mattress has been designed and patented by the CEO of the company himself who defines himself as a Vision Man, because he is always looking for ideas, innovative materials, this scrupulous and detailed research. To ensure that the end customer is totally satisfied, we have reached unthinkable heights. This mattress has been patented at European and global level precisely because we must always protect our intuitions, our ideas that are born only to give the best to the end customer. This innovative mattress starts from its brothers of various heights, with heights ranging from 13cm to 18cm. To reach heights that until now were unthinkable, we are talking about a range from 16cm to 26cm inside a sofa bed!!!!

Innovation and collaboration with various important brands worldwide have led to the creation and global novelty of an Air Tech mattress… From now on, this name will truly be heard more and more throughout the sofa bed market, for the invention, for the innovation of our Vision Man Mirko Nisi in collaboration with suppliers, most loyal customers and all our collaborators for the realization of a project studied, developed and created over several years by the hands and with the hands of all the staff of NN Spain 1972 and with the collaboration of Nisi Family 1972. Thanks to all the suppliers for believing in this Project.